We are posting all the news about the current proxies' statuses, upcoming IP address changes, planned maintenance, price changes, discounts and everything else in our Telegram channel. Consider subscribing in order not to miss important information.
What are the proxies used for
Proxy server allows you to substitute your real IP address with another, which disables the third-party service in terms of applying certain limitations to your actions. For example, you can use proxy for accomplishing these tasks:
- Automatic registrations
- Multiple accounts management
- Web services testing
- Data crawling
You are required to have software that supports proxied connections.
Connection is being established using an IP address, a port, a username and a password. You will receive these credentials after purchasing the proxy access in our store. Every port represents a distinct proxy with separate limits.
The main server protocol is HTTP(S). Several servers are already SOCKS5-compatible, we'll upgrade all our servers to support this protocol in the future.
Proxy types
In our store we distinguish proxies into various categories that are intended to suffice different aims.
Mobile proxy (4G) is a modem with a SIM card that regularly changes the IP address (rotates). There are two types of mobile proxies:
- Shared – a single modem is being simultaneously used by several people (10-15 depending on the modem, country and the carrier bandwidth). We recommend to either use these proxies with a special software that implements API requests or disable images, ads and third-party scripts in the browser. These proxies are heavily limited in terms of simultaneous connections and bandwidth for each client, you can find these limitations on the product page.
- Private – a single modem is being allocated solely for you and your business. You get the most connections and the maximum bandwidth. These proxies will fit almost any aims with any software. Additionally you can choose between an automatic rotation (the period is configurable) and a manual rotation (using a link).
- Semi-Private (Semi-private) – one modem is allocated for two clients. You get half of the connections from the private proxy and half of the bandwidth. Such proxies work almost like private ones, the difference is only in the reduced capabilities twice and the rotation will be static every 2-5-10 minutes, etc., but at the same time you get several times more resources than on Shared. It can be used for almost any purpose with any software.
Arbitrage proxy is a proxy where every connection has its own IP address. Basically, every request you make (in a different connection) will have a different IP address in the end.
Residential proxy is a proxy where the end IP addresses are the fixed home network addresses allocated by the different internet service providers. IP addresses are chosen amongst the list of connections in the selected country.
IPv4/IPv6 proxy is a proxy where the end IP addresses are the fixed data centre IP addresses. IP addresses are chosen amongst the list of connections in the selected country.
Our proxies are suitable for almost any of your tasks and services (except banks, payment systems and government services). You are allowed to test any proxy before purchase, leave us a request in the support chat on the site or in the Telegram bot.
Connections and requests
We are limiting a connection number in our proxies, not the requests. You can send many requests in a single connection. It looks like this:
In the left part of the image you can see that the connection is being established before request and terminated after a data exchange.
In the right part of the image you can see that the connection is being used for 3 consecutive requests and terminated only after the last response being transferred.
By default all the browsers are using the second type of connection management since it's more effective. It's crucial to understand that every request to a different server will require a new connection – the content itself, images, ads, Google and Facebook trackers. By default all the browsers terminate these connections themselves and you won't experience any issues if the browser is configured properly.
Purchasing and activating the proxies
You can purchase the proxies on our site LTEBoost.com.
Please get familiar with the different types of proxies and choose those that will work for you. You may request a test period, contact us either in the support chat on the site or in the Telegram bot.
After placing an order and paying for it you will receive an activation code (20 characters and an activation instruction). Activation is done in our Telegram-bot.
Choose "Activate a Proxy" and follow the instructions.
After a successful activation you will have access to the "My Active Proxies" section. Press this button and you will see all your activated proxies.
In this menu you can use arrows to change proxies, toggle the view and sorting, renew the proxies. You can press the last button to get a list of proxies in a desired format.
Proxy renewal
If you wish to use your proxy for more than one month, you can renew it. In order to do so choose the appropriate proxy in the "My Active Proxies" section using the arrows. You will see the renewal price in rubles with a hyperlink to a renewal code page in the store. After receiving the order with your renewal code, use the "Renew This Proxy" button and follow the instructions.
You can do bulk renewals via our support, contact us either in the support chat on the site or in the Telegram bot.
Proxy usage recommendations
We do not recommend shared proxies as a system proxy or in the browser with images/ads/third-party scripts enabled. Every extra connection will use the limit and the bandwidth leaving less for you, you won't be able to use your proxy properly.
Using the proxies on the different platforms
Frequently asked questions
Q: I've bought a proxy, it has been successfully registering accounts/liking/etc for two days and now it doesn't do any of this.
A: It's called a spam block. As of now, social networks are able to detect bots using artificial intelligence and other sophisticated instruments. We are not responsible for spam-blocks and any other limitations coming from the social networks or any other services since we can't affect it. Generally, these limitations are being overridden by altering the algorithm of doing actions (changing the software, its settings, replacing the fingerprinting – changing the "user" behavior). Unfortunately, we are unable to provide the advice on the solution of these issues, please use the special communities to find answers. We can replace your proxy once a month, contact us in the support chat on the site or in the Telegram bot.
Q: If I buy a single port twice, will I get different proxies?
A: Incorrect, you will get two slots on a single port. If you need more IP addresses, please consider purchasing the proxies in different locations and with different carriers.
Q: Can I use your proxies to access payment systems, banks, e-wallets and government services?
A: No. We perfectly understand why someone would need to access these types of services via proxy. We understand that you personally might be a legit user that will use proxies to access your own wallets and accounts, but all the rest are scammers. These services are blacklisted.
Q: I need to understand how to work with Instagram, Facebook, etc. Will your proxies meet my aims?
A: We are not providing advice on working with any services and software. If you are not familiar with the basics, do not understand the algorithms that social networks use, don't know the software, you better learn all this beforehand. Generally, most the software has the detailed instructions. Additionally we can recommend to use the special forums and communities, learn from the best in your sphere.
Q: Which proxies do people buy for Facebook?
A: We can offer private proxies with a link to change IP addresses both for farming and ads.
Q: I need proxies for parsing and upgrading the behavioural factor, what if your offer?
A: We can offer private russian mobile proxies with a manual IP rotation.
Q: How can I renew a proxy if your bot has sent a message "Your proxy has expired"?
A: Unfortunately, there's no way to renew an expired proxy. Our system is not designed to keep the credentials after expiration, an expired proxy will be available in the store again with the new credentials. In order to avoid such inconveniences please consider renewing your proxies beforehand. You will receive an expiration notice in advance in 24 hours. If the proxy has already expired but you require the same port, you can find it in the store and buy it again. If you also need to restore the credentials, contact us in the support chat on the site or in the Telegram bot.
Q: I need a static mobile IP address, how can I do it?
A: It is possible to get a static mobile IP address, but we cannot guarantee it won't be changed by the carrier. We can provide static IP addresses on the residential proxies, but IP addresses might change as well if a partner disconnects.
Q: I need a proxy on which every request will have a different IP address, do you have it?
A: Yes, we have mobile and residential proxies that work this way.
Q: Do you have mobile proxies with a manual rotation (using a link)?
A: Yes, check out the private mobile proxies. You can either enable manual rotation or set a period of automatic rotation.
Q: I notice that the address is changing during the day but the automatic rotation is disabled, why does it happen?
A: The carrier can sometimes reconnect the device which changes the IP address. You can encounter the same behaviour on your personal devices.
Refund policy
Our service has the following refund policy for proxies:
- In the case of a complete lack of connection with the proxy for more than 3 days, the client has the right to demand a refund without any additional conditions. By default, we compensate for any downtime in the work of the proxy without additional requests. The lack of connection is recognized as the complete inoperability of the proxy during the specified period. Interruptions in the work of the client software, target work resource, etc. are not considered to be not connected to the proxy.
- In the case of a request for a refund within the first day after the purchase of a proxy, we charge a commission in the form of 10% of the order value, which is equal to the cost of a daily test of any proxy in our service.
- In the case of a request for a refund during the period from the second to the seventh day, we charge a commission in the form of 15% of the order value, after deducting the cost of the past days of rent.
- Refunds for proxies that have been rented for more than 7 days are not possible.
- Refunds for proxies purchased for a duration of 1 day, 1 week, or 2 weeks are not provided, as such purchases are considered equivalent to a paid testing period, allowing the Customer to evaluate the service's functionality and compatibility. Refunds are only available for proxies purchased for a duration of 1 month or longer.
- If the description of a specific proxy position explicitly states that a refund for this proxy is not provided, then the above refund rules do not apply to this position.
- Refund method:
- - Refund to a Russian bank card minus an additional 3% + 50 rubles, refund only from 1000 rubles.
- - Refund to Yoomoney minus an additional 3% + 50 rubles, refund only from 1000 rubles.
- - Refund to USDT from 1000 rubles -3$ additionally for network commission